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How to Create a Positive Learning Environment in Your Home

How to Create a Positive Learning Environment in Your Home

As educators navigate the new world of digital and hybrid learning, they are working with parents to ensure seamless learning between school and home. Although parents are not teachers, they can be the experts on their children and create a positive learning environment that is conducive to learning. Here is a brief message with some tips and resources teachers can share with their families as part of ongoing communication.

Family Tips and Resources: Creating a Positive Learning Environment

  • Create productive learning spaces at home. You can be creative depending on the learning preferences of your child and your home environment. You can create a learning space with a table, a counter or a large box filled with pillows. You should ensure that your child has all the necessary materials for the learning activity, such as paper, pencils, and digital devices. As much as possible, try to minimize distractions. More ideas to create a learning environment at home.

  • A consistent daily schedule will help keep your child’s attention. . While we understand that the transition to digital/hybrid learning can be difficult for working parents, it is essential that you follow the school’s schedule and maintain a routine for your child’s education. This is a short summary. Here are some simple tips to help your child stay focused.

    • Get help with goal-setting and time management: Make time for family huddles at least once a week. Discuss who will be able to help your child complete homework and join virtual classes. To practice self-control, involve your child in setting goals. They can draw or write down their goals. Recognize your child’s accomplishments and encourage them to keep working hard. Make a list of people who can help your child learn and make arrangements for your child’s assistance. Your child may need to take some time to build confidence and track their progress towards success.

    • Make it more interesting with brain break or physical activity. This allows you to alternate schoolwork with short walks, exercise, and hands-on learning (reading and art), screen time (virtual museums tours, online activities), as well as social connections (such playing Roblox and Minecraft). You should ensure that communication functions such as chat with strangers, are disabled.

    • Be prepared: While is juggling work and learning digitally, be proactive and creative in supporting your child’s learning. Take advantage of every moment of the day. Find time to read with your child and discuss what they are learning. Children younger than 5 years old will need assistance in managing their learning activities. While older children might be able do their schoolwork independently, they will still benefit from discussing what they are learning. Encourage your child’s classmates to communicate via email, phone or video to socialize and collaborate on projects.

  • Develop motivation. You should be focusing on your child’s efforts and progress . Use language such as “You worked hard on that” or “Writing is difficult, but I can see how you are improving with practice!” This will encourage your child to continue with more challenging tasks. These additional tips will help keep your child motivated, especially when they are learning online.

  • Share your strategies to improve self-control, organization and executive function . One example: “I have trouble focusing on my job today. I am going to take a rest. Would you like to go for a walk with me? Take a walk with me.

  • Engage your child in new and unique ways . “Active Learning” refers to using new information immediately to “learn through doing”. “Passive Learning” is when you listen or watch to learn new information. These are some tips to help you learn online and offline with your child.

    • Learning information in multiple ways is a benefit to students. Students learn more from flashcards (print and digital) that include text and images, charts, graphs, etc., than cards that only show words.

    • It is important to keep students’ interest alive and not only by reading through textbooks every day. Every student can learn more if the activity is relevant to the subject. This includes clapping in math class, sketching in science class, and acting out during story time.

  • Learn what age is appropriate for your child. This resource offers great tips for setting screen-time limits, and helping your child to develop positive tech habits.

Our Vision

To create an environment where independent schools can learn and be a pillar in the community. Education is a way to instill strong morals and values.

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What Does the Home Environment Have to Do with Learning?

Children thrive when their environment allows them to learn at home

Research has shown that the quality and quantity of a child’s early environment are a prerequisite for brain development. A stimulating learning environment can positively impact all learning areas later. Source: de Witt

Children require space, time and materials, as well as an environment that fosters their sense of security. This is an essential emotional need. Children need an environment that encourages learning and allows them to develop their brains.

What is the home learning environment? It has many aspects.

  • Their physical environment

  • They are the physical objects around them

  • They surround themselves with people

  • Their interactions with the rest of the world and people

How To Create a Positive Learning Environment At Home

It is easy to create a learning environment that fosters creativity. You only need to put in a little effort in order to make your home a learning environment for your children.

It is obvious that children require the basics first, such as food, shelter, and medical care, before they can learn.

Our Mission

We can leave a legacy that is more than knowledge from independent schools by instilling excellence and perseverance.

positive learning environment, role of teachers, education

How to Encourage A More Positive Home Learning Environment

Why are home learning environments important?

A lot of research has been done about the importance of home learning in the first years. This makes it a strong argument for its crucial role in child development.

These are just a few of the things we know.

  • Increased learning opportunities in the home have been proven to have a positive impact on school literacy and numeracy achievement

  • Positive home learning environments are more important than parental occupation, education, or income.

  • Home learning environments have an impact on school readiness. A good one will increase independence and creativity once you get to school.

  • Parents are prepared. According to the most recent government survey, parents want to do more at home to help their child learn.

What is a good learning environment for home?

All this is great, but what does it mean to have positive home learning environments?

It is important to understand the importance of play and how to encourage and support children’s learning.

It is important to choose a starting point that can be reached from:

  • Children are heard

  • They are highly valued for their contributions

  • They are valued and taken seriously

  • Encouragement of their language and thought

How about examples specific?

  • Singing nursery rhymes and songs

  • Reading aloud with your child

  • Visit the library

  • Playing with numbers and letters

  • Drawing and painting

  • Take your children out and about

  • Play with your friends at home

Our Philosophy

We believe that learning happens when we explore, investigate, and discuss. Knowledge is shared.

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Strategies to Create a Positive Learning Environment

A thriving learning environment requires many elements. It doesn’t matter if it is your first year of education or your thirty-fifth. The first weeks, months, and days of the school year are crucial to creating the learning environment that you desire for your students.

Relationship building starting at day one

Start building relationships with middle school and high school students the day you start school. Then, grow them throughout the year.

Relationships that are good

Start early. Develop positive relationships with parents and students starting on the first day. Students can get to know each other by creating fun icebreakers and exchanging letters. To establish these relationships, you can send a letter to your parents or call each house.

Take your time. Although it may be tempting to rush to get into the content as soon as school starts, taking the time to develop relationships will pay dividends later. Your students will benefit from your personal relationships and the community you create.

Ask for help. Your greatest resource is your fellow faculty members and staff. Reach out to your teachers and the thousands of Twitter teachers. You will find someone who can answer your question and wants to be connected with you.

Clear Communication

Use their language. To get to their level, use humor, technology, or other strategies. This extra effort will make it easier to relate to students. This strategy can also be used to present “mundane” information such as classroom rules and regulations.

Start from scratch. While you may be familiar with the rules, your students will likely not. It is important to not assume that your students are able to complete simple tasks like taking notes or collaborating. It can be tedious, but it will pay off, just like building relationships.


Let students decide. From classroom layouts to project ideas, students can have a say. You can make easier for students and make it more fun.

Trust technology. Although new tech can seem daunting, there are a few ways you can make your class digital. Some educators recommend creating a digital newsletter to parents, updating on Instagram and Twitter with photos, setting up a blog or using edtech resources such as Remind or Google Forms. This is a great way for students to be engaged even when classes aren’t in session.

Be confident in your abilities! You don’t need to be perfect the first day, or even the first week.

Our Vision

To create an environment where independent schools can learn and be a pillar in the community. While providing education …, we aim to instill strong morals and values.

Remember that you and your students can only be human. It doesn’t matter how much you plan, map, or research, once your kids are in the room, anything is possible. It doesn’t mean you have to have it all together from day one.

learning environment

Tips to Create a Safe Learning Environment

1. Every year, community is built. Include strategies and activities such as Save The Last Word for me in your lessons that will allow students to share their thoughts, create relationships and collaborate. This will allow your students to feel safe and secure in their classroom.

2. Students own the space when they see student work, such as essays, poems and projects. They will feel more comfortable if they can see their writing and thinking than they do if they are looking at posters from the store. If informational posters are required, you can ask your students for help.

3. Know your non-negotiables. Students must be able to recognize and comply with school rules and procedures. My biggest non-negotiable? Name calling. The immediate consequence was a call to the dean, and the removal of the class that day. Defeat name calling immediately or the kids will not feel safe enough to be themselves and learn.

4. Accept What You Don’t Understand. Students love it when we are open to sharing our humanity. “I don’t really know.” Is there anyone who knows or would they be willing to help us? It is powerful stuff.

5. This is a way to communicate with your students: I enjoy reading. I don’t tell you what I think and then grade you on your reading. I actually read alongside you. You can see my expressions when I am struggling to understand something and what I feel at the end of a funny or sad part. I’m also a reader.

6. Keep calm at all times. It takes time to regain that sense of safety and trust once a teacher has lost it with students or a class. Take a few deep breaths and step outside the door. It is worth it.

7. You will be a role model for others.

8. Mingling allows you to monitor students’ work but also lets you see if there are any tensions between students or groups. Circulating gives you the opportunity to hear students sharing ideas or questions that you can share with the class.

9. You can address grudges early. Create space and time for students to discuss their feelings while you mediate.

10. Write with your students. This sends the message: I enjoy writing. I don’t tell you what to do and then grade your writing. I actually write alongside you. As I write a letter or poem, you can see me struggling. You also see me considering new words and cross-out old ones. I take risks as I revise. I’m also a writer.

Our Mission

We can leave a legacy that is more than knowledge from independent schools by instilling excellence and perseverance.

How to create a friendly classroom environment

In just 10 steps, you can create an environment conducive to learning.

  1. Show enthusiasm to your students every day. Have as many positive things as you can say.

  2. Students should be given the opportunity to share events and other information with you. It doesn’t matter if there is a set time each day that 3-5 students can share with you, it will create an environment of warmth, friendliness, and acceptance. This shows your students that you care. It also gives you the opportunity to learn more about each student.

  3. Share something you find important with your students. You will be seen by your students as a caring and real person. This kind of sharing should not be done daily, but only from time to time.

  4. Talk about differences in the classroom. Children can benefit from understanding diversity early on. Discuss cultural differences, body images, body types, talents and strengths. Your learners should have the opportunity to share their weaknesses and strengths. Even though a child may not be able run fast, they may be able draw well. These conversations should always be positive. Children will benefit forever from the ability to understand diversity. It fosters trust and acceptance within the classroom.

  5. Be clear about your stance against bullying. Bullying is not tolerated in a nurturing and welcoming environment. Make sure that bullying is reported early to stop it from happening. It is not bullying to report on a bully, but tattling. You should have a set routines as well as rules to prevent bullying.

  6. Create activities that encourage students to work together, and build rapport. Establish routines and rules for teamwork and small group work.

  7. Remember to focus on your strengths when you call upon a student. Don’t judge a child because they aren’t able to do it, but take the time to help the child. Asking a child to show or respond to something should be done in the child’s comfort zone. Always capitalize on their strengths. It is important to show compassion and understanding to your students in order for them to have confidence and self-esteem.

  8. Encourage two-way respect. Two-way respect is something I cannot stress enough. Respect is a golden rule. You will always get it back if you show it.

  9. Spend time educating the class about disabilities and disorders. Role playing helps develop empathy and support among peers and classmates.

  10. Encourage self-confidence and self-esteem in every student in your classroom. Show appreciation and praise when it is due. Students will feel better about themselves and toward others if they feel positive.

Our Philosophy

We believe in sharing knowledge and learning through exploration, investigation, and discussion.

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morals, values, learning

Instilling Values and Morals While Providing Education

What are morals and values?

Morals and values are principles that allow an individual to choose between good and evil, or good and poor. This understanding is essential to make fair, honest, and credible decisions in everyday life.

Moral development should begin in childhood. Moral values can help children develop a positive character and a happy personality. Family members play a vital role in supporting and guiding the child.

You can be a role model for your kids

Children learn from their elders and learn how to treat others. Children learn from what we do. They learn from you how to deal with different situations.

You must possess these qualities in order to pass on the values of self-respect and honesty to your children. You must also model these qualities in your children’s actions and behavior. If you ask them to be truthful and they tell lies in front of you, they won’t be able learn honesty.

How to inculcate moral values in children

Positive character traits are key to instilling moral values and good character in your child. Here are some ways you can help them.

Be their role-model

If you don’t practice what you preach, it is useless to preach to children. Children learn best by watching their environment. Be a role model for your children by modeling virtues such as honesty and humility, responsibility, compassion, and teamwork.

Share your moral experiences

While moral bedtime stories about topics like honesty, justice, and being helpful are great, it’s even better to share positive experiences from your life. To help your child learn these morals, share stories from your own life.

Let them practice their learning

These values can be put into practice by children. Show them how to be humble, such as by being polite to others, helping the needy, and not bragging about their good works.

Recognize good behavior

Be kind and reward good behavior. Positive reinforcement does not have to be a gift. Talk to your family about your child’s positive behavior and discuss the impact. It boosts confidence and self-esteem when a family praises a kid.

Communicate clearly

Communicate moral values in an easy-to-understand way. Make it easy for children to understand. Use examples from your child’s daily life to teach the child the moral values and potential impact.

Intelligent media use

Media can have a positive or negative impact on teens and children

. Your child could benefit from the media’s influence on his or her moral development by learning how to navigate it. You can, for example, watch a movie together or read an article online that has positive moral effects and reflects high moral standards. This can be done with older children.

morals, values, learning

What are the essential moral values that children need to learn?


Gratitude is the willingness to express gratitude and thankfulness for all that you have. Contentment is the first step to gratitude. Your child should be content and grateful for all that they have. Teach your child not to take anything or anyone for granted.


Children are taught in books that honesty is the best policy. But they must practice it daily to understand its true meaning. Children can foster honesty by being honest with their teachers, parents, and those around them. It is better to admit that you made a mistake than to lie about it. Start small, like being honest with their teacher or classmates.


Sharing is caring. Sharing is caring. Giving is an act of kindness that must be cultivated. Your child can learn to share their possessions/resources with other people who may need them. Encourage your child to share his toys with siblings and cousins, or to donate books, food, clothes, and other necessities to less fortunate children.


Empathy can be defined as the ability to understand and sympathize with another person’s problems, concerns, and needs. Empathy is like being in someone else’s shoes. You must first be compassionate to your child in order to raise them to be empathic. Listen to what they have to say and then try to help. Reach an agreement on mutually acceptable solutions.


Compassion is the feeling you have for others and of love and compassion. This is more than empathy because you can not only feel what the other person feels but also try to help them solve their problems. This positive emotion can help your child build positive relationships with other people.


Cooperation refers to the act of helping others achieve a common goal. The first step to building a sense of cooperation is collaboration at home. A family should practice cooperation by sharing household chores and listening to one another’s problems. These actions will help your child become more “we” than “me”.


Children should learn to be respectful of all people, regardless of their age, caste or religion. This is an important step in building healthy professional and social relationships as a child grows up. It is a good example to set for your child by being polite with the housekeeper or school bus driver.


Equality is an integral part many moral values such as justice. To eliminate the notion of supremacy, it is important to treat all people equally in terms of their rights, opportunities, status, and other considerations. Your child can play with other children regardless of social differences to set an example.

Share personal experiences

All of us have lessons learned from our past experiences. Children can learn from parents who share their own experiences. Children should hear about your experiences that were based on moral principles.

Your children will benefit from your sharing of personal experiences. Tell your children about the times you have made mistakes and how they helped you to learn.

morals, values

Teaching values to your children now will influence how they behave as adults.

Parents have a responsibility to teach moral education to their children as soon as possible. You might think it is too soon to teach students the importance of ethics. While children learn ethics from their parents, teaching them the values of fairness, honesty, and good character will be a guide for them as they grow up. It will also help them live a life that is full of joy.

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Study 101: Learn Smarter, Not Harder

Strategies and methods for high school students that work

1. Schedule your time before you start studying.

Each study night should be about 2 hours long, with 5 nights each week. You can schedule your time by writing down your study objectives at the beginning and then estimating the time it will take to complete each task. It is important to assess the urgency of each task before scheduling more urgent tasks at the beginning of the week.

Set a time and stick to it. This is essential for learning good study habits. You won’t be tempted to do other things or waste time planning when you will study.

Use the same environment as the test environment to study. Make sure you have a quiet place to work. It might be a good idea to turn off all music and other distractions. It can help you remember information by making it feel familiar when taking a test.

2 Tips and tricks to take efficient notes

It will be easier to understand your notes if they are more organized, clear, and legible. Not only can they help you recall important information, but they can also be used to highlight important topics and ideas that you might need to revisit.

You can create your bullet system with different numbers (Arabic, Roman), or symbols to mark your notes. You can use a star to refer to points, an exclamation mark to indicate points that you want to place on flashcards and a smiley face to explain concepts to your teacher.

Keep your notes short and use abbreviations or symbols to make it easier for yourself. If you know that you will remember something shorter, you don’t have to write every word. You can save time!

Be creative. Use pictures, thought bubbles or any other means to draw your attention to important subjects. Draw arrows that lead from the cause to its effect. Different colors of highlighters are possible. Mind mapping is a wonderful technique for visually organizing information that you need to learn.

3. Make the most of your time studying.

It’s a good idea to establish a study schedule and prioritize your topics. But be prepared to stick to it by staying focused when it comes time to get to the books.

Do not study before bedtime, or when you aren’t fully awake or committed to studying. If you are able to, allow yourself enough daylight hours to study. Sitting in the sun, if it is nice and doesn’t distract you from your studies, can keep you awake and alert.

Take frequent breaks. Get to know your body’s rhythm and how long it takes to get back into the zone. Take a 5-minute break each half hour if it is easy to get back into your studies. You may find it difficult to focus if you take longer than an hour.

Avoid multitasking High school students should avoid distractions and focus on one topic only. It is important to communicate with your family that you require quiet time.

4. Use creativity in your study.

You’ll feel more motivated to study if you can bring some enjoyment to the sessions.

Make your notes into Flashcards. Flashcards will challenge you to recall facts that you have covered. They also reward you for incorporating these concepts into your mind. You can mark any terms and topics you have difficulty understanding or need to be memorized as you go through your notes. You can make flashcards from 3×5 cards, or you can search for an online free app to create digital flashcards. Give it a shot.

Turn difficult concepts into stories or pictures This helps with reading comprehension. As you read about various ideas and topics, pick out the most important words and phrases. Then, connect them to a picture, memory, or story in your head. You will be able to recall the information if you can associate it with a story or visual later.

Study with your friends. Although it is important to focus in single study sessions, you can mix it up by organizing a weekly study group. As you discuss your learnings, you’ll gain new perspectives. Make sure your friends are keen to learn good study skills. It doesn’t mean that you should not have fun together studying, but it is a work session. To see how you perform as a group, it is best to talk about what is expected.

5. Stay healthy.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to play at your best. You can be distracted, tired, hungry, or overworked and it can affect your ability to focus and remember information.

Make sure that you get enough sleep. Multiple studies have shown that only 30% of teens are getting the 8-10 hours they need each night. If possible, make sure you are one of them. Be sure to turn off your screens at least one hour before you go to bed. Do not stress out and do not study before bed. Do not worry about the things you missed during the day. Instead, create a list and make a plan for tomorrow.

Eat healthy foods and get vitamins. Avoid junk food. Give your body and mind a reward for all the hard work you have put in. Consider whole grains, nuts, fruits, and leafy greens. These are just a few of the nutrient-dense foods you can include in your daily diet.

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Riverside College High School Cape Town

Get Your Preparation Started

You will have ample time to review what you have learned and start your exam preparation early. Don’t leave any detail unattended. Make sure you are fully conversant with your topic. This will make revision easier.

To manage your time efficiently, you can also create a timetable. Note down the number of exams and the dates you need to take them. Next, plan your study time accordingly.

You may find that you have to spend more time preparing for certain subjects than others. Try to balance your time.

Create a Study Space

Make sure you have everything organized before you start preparing for your exam. There should be enough space for your textbooks and notes. You should also ensure your chair is comfortable and that there is sufficient lighting in your space.

You need to be as relaxed as possible when studying for exams. Before you begin your preparation, it is important to organize all of your study materials.

You should organize your notes, make sure you have all handouts, and write your summaries for each chapter in your textbook. Also, prepare an outline of the subject to be used as a reference.

Students should remember to keep everything in order. This will create a calm environment that will allow you to concentrate during your preparation.

Practice and Review Old Exam Papers

It is a great way to practice old exam papers and review them. This helps you get to know the structure and format of the question papers.

Try timing yourself while you practice the old exam paper. This will allow you to see how much time each section takes.

Learn to Match Your Learning Style

You will be able to determine what preparation methods are best for you based on your learning style. If you’re an auditory learner, recording your notes can help you to listen to them later. You could also benefit from listening to lectures recordings.

If you’re a visual learner, diagrams and pictures can help you remember. Find out what learning style you have so that it is easier to remember important facts and key concepts.

Don’t Cram Doing cramming and staying up late will only increase your anxiety and stress. Instead of trying to memorize everything on your syllabus the day before the exam it is better to go over what you’ve already learned and get to bed early.

This will help you feel refreshed for your exam day. These are the key elements of exam preparation that you should do the night before the exam.

  • All your study materials should be collected

  • Take a look at your notes

  • Take a test on the main concepts

  • Set your alarm

study, study smart

To get the best out of your exams, you must use the exam tips and tricks that students have shared. There might be better things for you. So, explore all options and talk to your friends about how they prepare for exams. You might find some final exam study tips that might be helpful.

Even teachers can help you.

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role of teachers, Aiding learners to develop into well-balanced, and good natured, individuals, through education, teaching

What is Role of Teachers in Shaping Educational Experiences for Students?

The role of teachers is to make learning interesting, engaging, and fun for students. Teachers use many tools to help students understand concepts such as brainstorming, hands-on activities, and discussion groups. Teachers also impart knowledge on a daily basis by providing feedback and evaluating student’s progress throughout the year.


A well-rounded education can help kids discover their strengths and interests. It also prepares them to learn and provides a foundation for a career. Teachers help students succeed by providing activities and projects that are appropriate to their abilities and ages. They provide them with important information, help them explore new topics and ideas, and encourage their curiosity. They can help expand your child’s perspective and enrich their thinking by teaching them how to read and introducing you to a vast library of literature. Teachers are trained to communicate complex concepts in fun and clear ways. This can help children stay interested.

They will teach your child the facts, stories and math principles. But they will also inspire a love for learning that will last a lifetime.


Teachers play an important role in motivating students, helping to build self-esteem, and especially during the most impressionable years. Teachers provide support and encourage children to work towards their goals. They inspire students to dream larger and show them that they can change their lives through their efforts. They also help to make a difference for others by encouraging them to dream big.

They also focus on helping children identify their interests and challenges so they can encourage them to work harder, learn more, be better at school, and think critically about what they have learned. They believe in their students and help them to overcome failures and succeed in academic and personal struggles.


Children learn from their role models and are more likely than others to emulate the positive behaviors that they see. Teachers can be positive influencers in the lives of their students by setting high standards for behavior.

They treat others with kindness, fairness and compassion. Collaboration with other teachers at school and they foster a spirit of collaboration and shaping. They can correct mistakes in lessons or make students apologize. This encourages them to help others learn and improve their work.

Students can learn to communicate their passions and share their good behavior with teachers.

role of teachers, education

Providing Education Where Children Can Thrive


They help children become more creative, independent, and resilient through traditional classes as well as extracurricular learning like music, dance and drama. Disciplined teachers take the time and care to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of every child they supervise and help them improve their character, push their limits, be better human beings.

They give them the support they need to live a well-balanced life and make a positive contribution to the community in which they live. They allow them to make their own decisions, influence others and have an impact on shaping the world’s future. A Teacher has the power to influence the future of society and make decisions that will affect how it evolves.

The teacher as a dynamic force. One of the most important services men and women can render to God is the education and training children. They can help by grace the way of salvation. Children will become like the pearls of divine bounty within the shell of education. The school’s teacher is its dynamic force. A school without a teacher is like a body without soul, a skeleton and bloodless, or a shadow without substance. There is no greater need today for education than strong, motherly women to teach the young. Teachers can be social engineers and socialize young people by using their man-making skills.

Teachers are an integral part of education and the lives of students who they teach. A teacher’s ability to inspire and teach students is what defines him/her.

The role of teacher in education extends beyond the teaching aspect. Teaching has many faces in today’s world. Teachers must be able to provide support, guidance, mentorship, and other roles.

Teachers play a variety of roles in education, including:

Sharing Knowledge

Teaching is the first duty of teachers. Teaching involves following a particular curriculum and making sure students understand the material being taught.

This is the foundation of all teacher roles. If a teacher fails to fulfill his/her fundamental responsibility of imparting knowledge, it may be difficult to influence any other way.

Role Modelling

Teachers may not view themselves as role models, but they are. Teachers can have an influence on students by the amount of time they spend with them each week or day. Now it is up to the teacher whether to make this influence positive, or negative.

Teaching is more than just following the curriculum. It’s about nurturing the child. Teachers not only teach knowledge but also build character.

Making Learning A Fun Activity

Each child is unique, and so are their choices. Some students enjoy studying, while others don’t. It is the teacher’s responsibility to make sure that students enjoy learning and are focused on learning. Instead of lecturing, teachers should use a fun teaching method to their students.

Making Real-life Connections

Students can quickly grasp real-life examples. Teaching is a great way to help students understand the concepts and connect them to real-life situations. Because they are their closest friends, teachers understand the needs of students. Teachers and students can make even difficult topics more manageable by using real-life examples.

Encourage students

Students will benefit from teachers who appreciate and encourage their students’ confidence. A teacher can help students overcome any obstacle by encouraging them. Encouragement can be expressed by words of appreciation, such as “good job”, “well done”, and “keep it up”. The right words spoken at the right moment can make a difference.

Apart from the teaching of their teachers, students need other things. Teachers should be available to motivate, guide, and encourage their students.

Change the scenario of your life

Good teachers are responsible for the future development of a country. They provide education and help students become leaders in their communities. A teacher is a vital role. They have to provide data and information to students to help them analyze the condition of individuals and nations. Teachers can help you understand what is important and what to do to make tomorrow better.

Monitoring Improvement and setting Performance Goals

A teacher can only tell how far their students have come. Teachers keep reminding students of the progress they have made and the challenges ahead. Teachers can do many things to increase confidence in children, including setting short-term goals and emphasizing improvement.

External Parent

As they spend so much time together at school, the teacher can become an external parent to their students. The role of the teacher goes beyond following a work schedule and teaching a specific curriculum. They strive to make their students the best they can be.

The role as a teacher is more important than the traditional notion that teachers only educate students. They had to be familiar with teaching the curriculum. In modern times, the teacher’s role does not end there. They continue to educate, mentor, and give practical knowledge to students today.

What is the Role of a Teacher in a Student’s Life?

The Essentials of Teaching

Although the basics of teaching are changing and evolving with technology and media developments, there is one constant. What an impact a teacher has on a child’s life.

“The role of teachers is to facilitate, inspire, storytell, empower and see the classroom as a team with young people. They also have the responsibility of orchestrating the energy within a group. It is vital that teachers play a role in the classroom.

This shows that the importance of the teacher doesn’t diminish with technology’s advancement, but rather, it makes human interaction more important.

They are required to inspire and support their students. They must help them discover their passions, identify their goals, and then help them achieve them. The teacher must not be passive, nor should they only facilitate the lessons. The teacher is an enabler. Each student’s needs will determine how that looks.

A Teacher can help a child shape their future and make them better at what they do. Teaching is more than just being a facilitator or leader. A mix of many elements seems to be the best way, but teaching is a selfless profession that focuses on the student’s personal growth. This is the most important thing to remember, no matter how much technology you use.

What is Role of Teachers in Society

Teachers are the unsung heroes of society. They put their own lives on hold to help children learn and grow in school. But, despite the importance teachers have in our society, they are often undervalued and underpaid.

What Are The 10 Roles of a Teacher? 

1. Resource Provider

2. Instructional Specialist

3. Curriculum Specialist

4. Classroom Supporter

5. Learning Facilitator

6. Mentor

7. School Leader

8. Data Coach

9. Catalyst for Change

10. Learner

Ten Roles for Teacher Leaders

Providing Education Where Children Can Thrive

Education brings self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, team-work among children and prevents them from feeling social insecurity. It helps in being self-confident and a good decision-maker. Hence, every child must be educated so that they can lead a happy life.

The importance of children’s education from an early age

Children are the future of the world. They will shape the future of our society and our way of life. With this in mind, it is important that they are educated from an early age so that they have a greater chance at success in their lives. The importance of children’s education from an early age has been recognized by many countries all over the world.

The Importance of Education for Children

As a society, we should be more open to educating our children. There are many benefits to children being educated and it is important that they have a good education.

Children need a good education in order to enter the workforce and contribute positively to society. By having an education, they are able to build their own skillset which will help them progress in the future.

Education for children is important because it prepares them for the future.

The education of children is an important topic. We need to prepare them for what is ahead and help them adapt to the new changes in the world. As we move towards a more intelligent future, where machines are taking over many tasks, it’s important that our children are well-prepared for this change.

Five Reasons Education Is So Vital

  • Develop Self-Dependency. Education isn’t just about learning a collection of facts and knowledge that can’t be applied to the real world.

  • Fulfil Dreams and Ambitions.

  • Build Confidence.

  • Make a Fairer World.


Riverside College Private Primary & High School Cape Town

A School Environment Designed to Support Children’s Dreams

Schools are a place where children learn and grow. It is the place where they are nurtured and inspired to pursue their dreams. The article talks about how schools can be designed to support children’s dreams. It also talks about the importance of providing students with opportunities for creative expression, which is a key component in developing their skills and talents.

Ways that a School Environment Complements the Development of Your Child with basic education.

School is a great place for children to learn and grow. It provides the perfect environment for children to develop their skills and talents.

There are many ways that school can help your child develop their skills and talents, such as:

– Learning how to learn: School helps children learn how to pay attention, focus on tasks, and work through challenges.

– Learning how to work with others: School teaches children how to get along with others by teaching them social skills.

– Learning about the world: School helps children explore what they’re interested in by providing them with opportunities in different areas of study like science or arts.

Building a Learning-Friendly School Environment

A learning-friendly school environment is one where students are motivated to learn and teachers are able to teach effectively.

There are a number of ways that schools can be made more learning-friendly says the education department. One way is to have a mix of individualized instruction and group work in order to accommodate each type of learner. Another option is having flexible schedules, so that students can take on different courses at different times when they feel most productive.


The Importance of Creating a Successful School Culture

Schools are an institution where students learn the basics of life. With the help of a school culture, they can be more productive, engaged and motivated.

School culture is a mixture of different things that make it unique from place to place. It’s not just about the curriculum or teaching methods but also about how students interact with each other and their teachers.

A school culture is a way for schools to build on what makes them unique and create an atmosphere that encourages creativity and innovation among students.

Why is it Important to Allow Students to Engage in Active Learning?

Active learning is a form of learning that involves students actively participating in their own learning. It is generally considered to be more effective than passive learning, as it encourages students to learn in ways that are meaningful and relevant to them.

It can also be more fun and engaging for students, which can lead to increased engagement and retention rates. The benefits of active learning are numerous, but the most important one is that it provides the opportunity for students to learn at their own pace.

Here at Riverside College, we create a well-balanced environment using the four aspects of education system,

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Aspects of Education.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Aspects of Education

Open post
Positive Classroom Learning Environment, learning environment

The New Era of Technology and how it can revolutionize educational teaching.

Modern teaching facilities, incorporating new technology

How Technology is Modernizing the Teaching Profession?

The teaching profession is changing rapidly and the way we teach our students is changing too. Technology has been a game changer in this process.

Technology has transformed the way that schools are run, but has also had a profound effect on teaching. There are many ways in which technology has been making teaching easier, more efficient and more effective. Some use of technology in education include:

– Interactive whiteboards

– Online courses

– Smart learning apps

– Virtual reality simulations

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments

A Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment is a term that is used to describe a physical space that has the ability to support learning. A technology-enhanced learning environment can be seen as an extension of the traditional classroom.

In this section, we will explore how technology can be used in education and how it can help students learn more efficiently and effectively. The section will also explore what are some of the benefits of these technologies for teachers and students.

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments allow teachers to provide better teaching strategies by using technology in their classrooms. They allow students to learn more efficiently while they are engaged in the activities at hand. For example, when a student is playing a game, they have the ability to see their progress which allows them to stay on task and not lose focus on what they need


The Impact of Technology on Teacher Education and Training

The impact of technology on the teacher education and training is immense. It has changed the way teachers are educated, trained, and employed.

The future of teaching is here with technology. Technology has changed the way teachers are educated, trained, and employed. Technology has also made it easier for students to learn in a more interactive environment.

Technology has made it possible to provide students with multiple learning styles as well as make content more accessible for them.

How Important Is Technology in Education?

Technology in education examples and Early Childhood Education and Care

The use of technology in Early Childcare and Care is becoming more prevalent and it has been shown to have a positive impact on children.

Examples of technologies that are currently being used in Early Childhood Education and Care include the use of tablets, interactive whiteboards, smart boards, digital learning tools, apps, mobile devices and more.

What is the Role of Technology in Education?

Technology has been a part of the education system for a long time, but it is only recently that it is becoming more integrated into the classroom.

The role of technology in education has evolved to where students are able to learn on their own and outside of the classroom. This is being done through digital content and interactive tools such as virtual reality headsets.

Technology can be used for many different purposes in education such as creating interactive lessons, providing learning content online, and creating assessments.

Technology Tools and How They are Used to Increase Learning

Education is one of the most important aspects of human life. It is not just about learning but also about developing skills that help us to live a better life.

Technology tools are playing a significant role in increasing learning. They are helping us to reach our goals and make the process easier and more efficient.

Best Ways to Integrate Technology and Education

Technology and education are two of the most important aspects of our lives. We cannot imagine our world without them.

The integration of technology and education is becoming more and more important as time goes by. Schools have created a shift from traditional learning to digital learning, which is changing the way students learn in school.

What are Some of the Greatest Benefits of Using Technology in the Classroom?

Technology has been a huge part of our lives for the past few decades. It has changed the way we live and work.

Technology has been used in education to provide students with more opportunities and to make learning more engaging. For example, online learning has allowed students to learn outside of the classroom, while virtual reality can be used in classrooms to allow students to experience certain topics.

Some of the benefits that technology provides in education are:

– It allows teachers and students to interact with one another in a more personal way than they would without technology

– Technology is often cost effective because it allows for increased access for students who might not be able to afford school supplies

– Technology allows educators and parents to stay connected with their children’s education

Private School Receptionist Position


TERM 1 Term dates - Teachers: 13 January - 18 March
Term dates - Learners: 17 January - 16 March
Date Day Event
15 January 2022 Saturday Road Runners - Fun Run
21 January 2022 Friday Welcome Braai
24 January 2022 Monday Int Education Day (Learners/ teachers swop)
25 January 2022 Tuesday PS Parent Meetings
26 January 2022 Wednesday HS GET Parent Meetings
27 January 2022 Thursday HS FET Parent Meetings
28 January 2022 Friday HS Interhouse
24 - 28 January 2022 Monday - Friday Robotics Demo for HS
03 February 2022 Thursday Afrikaans Day
04 February 2022 Friday Cake Sale (Gr 000 - 1)
05 February 2022 Saturday Road Runners - Fun Run/Open Day
11 February 2022 Friday PS Valentines Dance 18:30 HS Movie Night 20:00 - 22:00
17 February 2022 Thursday Random act of Kindness day (Buddy bench)
19 February 2022 Saturday Open Day
23 February 2022 Wednesday HS  Interschools
28 February 2022 Monday Int Science Day (Science Fare)
01 March 2022 Tuesday World Compliment Day
01 March 2022 Tuesday HS Assessments start
04 March 2022 Friday Cake Sale (Gr 2)/Career Day (HS &PS)
05 March 2022 Saturday Road Runners - Fun Run/Open Day
07 March 2022 Monday PS Assessments Start
12 March 2022 Saturday Open Day
15 March 2022 Tuesday Human Rights Day Celebration (Visserhok School)
TERM 2 Term dates - Teachers: 5 April - 24 June
Term dates - Learners: 6 April - 22 June
Date Day Event
06 & 07 April 2022 Wednesday & Thursday PS Parent Meeting
6 - 8 April 2022 Wednesday - Friday HS Camp
09 April 2022 Saturday Road Runners - Fun Run/Open Day
11 - 13 April 2022 Monday -Wednesday PS Camp
12 April 2022 Tuesday HS Parent Meeting
13 April 2022 Wednesday Easter Egg Hunt
14 April 2022 Thursday Bible Breakfast (Gr 000 - R)
22 April 2022 Friday Cake Sale (Grade 4)
23 April 2022 Saturday Open Day
06 May 2022 Friday Cake Sale (Grade 5)
07 May 2022 Saturday Mother and Daugther Tea
14 May 2022 Saturday Road Runners - Fun Run/Open Day
25 May 2022 Wednesday African Market day (PS&HS)
28 May 2022 Saturday Open Day
31 May 2022 Tuesday Int Childrens Day & Youth Day
03 June 2022 Friday Cake Sale (Grade 6)
04 June 2022 Saturday Road Runners - Fun Run
11 June 2022 Saturday Father and Sun Indoor Soccer
17 June 2022 Friday School holiday

10 Compelling Benefits Smaller Classes Ensure in an Independent School!

10 Compelling Benefits Smaller Classes Ensure in an Independent School! 1

At Riverside College & Independent School, our classes have a low student-teacher ratio. This ensures that students get the most out of their education. We also have highly qualified teaching faculty members.

  1. Every Student Gets Noticed At Our Independent School

Having fewer students makes it easier for them to get the attention they deserve from their teacher. It also encourages them to participate in discussions.

  1. Better-quality Results

According to a study, high school students who take smaller classes perform better on entrance exams.

  1. Knowledge is improved

Not only do small classes make learning easier, but they also accelerate it. This is because the students are more likely to ask and answer questions.

  1. Teachers Can Teach

The presence of a small class allows teachers to observe and assess the students. It also allows them to interact with the students spontaneously.

  1. Classes Become a community

Having fewer students in class makes it possible for individuals to connect with their peers and develop their own personal relationships. This is very beneficial for the 21st century.

  1. Chances to participate

Small groups also mean fewer voices in the class, which means more opportunities for the students to speak up.

  1. Emphasis on Learning

In small classes, teachers can spend more time focusing on the students instead of trying to catch their attention. They can also cater to their individual learning styles.

  1. More Feedback

With small classes, teachers can spend more time individually assessing the students and making suggestions that will help them reach their potential.

  1. Students Get Personal Teacher Interaction

At Riverside College, students and teachers work together one-on-one, which allows them to customize their instruction and guidance.

  1. Ideas Are Shared

With fewer students in a class, students have more time to share their thoughts and opinions. This is also beneficial for them as they can explore new ideas and develop their own international education abroad.

In Summary Here Are Some Thoughts On Why Small Class Sizes Work In An Independent School

In fact, small class sizes are very important factors that you consider when choosing a school for your child.

  1. There's nowhere to hide in a small class.

Imagine that your child is in a high school class with over 30 students. Most of them don't understand math and are likely to waste their time. As a result, your daughter falls behind in her class. Public schools are facing budget deficits and increasing class sizes.

In contrast, Riverside College has less than 24 students per class students. The teacher and his or her students enjoy a close, caring relationship, which creates a climate of learning. The small group atmosphere allows the students to express their views without being pressured to make a specific point. This allows the learning to develop critical thinking skills.

Your child will be noticed when she joins a small group, and she will be encouraged to share her own point of view. This helps develop her self-esteem and confidence.

The small class atmosphere also encourages and helps students. Although it's full of attention and encouragement, the students are also involved in discussions and sharing ideas. This is because the teacher can take advantage of the different ways to present the material.

  1. You can teach when classes are small.

Most teachers don't enjoy being in a large class. Unfortunately, being in a large class can be very challenging since it can quickly turn into a major challenge when the situation gets out of control. Having multiple achievement levels and dealing with the varying behaviors of different students can be a bit challenging.

When students are in a small class, they tend to learn faster and develop confidence in their opinions. This helps them avoid being criticized and ridiculed by their peers. Ask your child what he or she thinks of being in a small class. Having a small class allows the teacher to monitor the learning style and actions of the students.

A small class also allows the teacher to focus more on the students and improve his or her teaching. Being in a small class also allows the teacher to interact more with the students. Having a small class allows the teacher to more effectively communicate with the students.

While in a small class, the students can polish their pronunciation and improve their labial and consonant sounds. Also, being in a small group helps them listen to and react to music.

  1. Some social benefits of small class sizes?

The students also tend to learn better if they are in a small group. Having a small class also makes the teacher a more effective teacher. The small class sizes also help develop a cooperative spirit and a closeness with others. This is a vital learning experience for children as they enter adulthood.

The closeness of the teachers and students in a small class makes it hard for factions to thrive. Small classes help the students develop a common sense of focus and discipline.

Contrary to popular belief, private schools do not believe that small classes are just for teaching math and Spanish verbs. They believe that by providing a child with a sense of belonging, they will develop lifelong learning and academic achievements.

At Riverside College we have several open days every term, where parents and pupils can visit our campus in Burgundy Estate, Cape Town, meet the staff and enjoy our world class facilities.

Be sure to checkout for the next available open day and use the provided calendar to book a spot. These spots fill up fast so go there now!

Newsletter – Nr.37 – 3rd of December 2021 – Juniors

We are almost done with Term 4 and our school year. 2021 has certainly tested us all and taught so much. As we go towards the final stretch of 2021, let us remember that we are important to the people in our lives, and we need to take care of ourselves and each other.

Sharpen your ‘axe’

There was a newly joined woodcutter and the king was really impressed by his dedication towards his work. Out of encouragement, he started giving his best at work and in the first month managed to cut down 18 trees, which impressed the King. The following month the same effort only yielded 15 trees, and the third month, his best effort only gave him 12 trees. The king visited him and spoke to him about his decreased productivity.

He explained that he might have lost his strength or have gotten too old to do the work. The king asked him “when was the last time you sharpened your axe?” To his surprise, he realized that he had not sharpened it once in the last 3 months! That was the only reason why he couldn’t cut more trees. The moral of the story is, it is good that you put in a lot of effort and hard work towards achieving your goals, but you should balance your life priorities by investing enough time with your family as well as personal time to relax and rejuvenate yourself, which would boost up your productivity. [read more]

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