2020 Primary School Book and Stationery List

06 December 2019 – Newsletter #41 – Seniors

2019 is fast approaching the end and already we have so many plans for the new year. Please just stand still for a moment and celebrate the good experiences we had, no matter how small they might seem to us. Then take the time to understand and to deal with the not so great things that you might have experienced. Remember that you are the author of this life story and you can change the plot at any time that you decide you would like a different storyline. We cannot however start a new chapter or story without ending off the old one properly! [read more]

29 November 2019 – Newsletter #40 – Seniors

The exams for all our grades have ended, including the last Matric exam that took place on Thursday the 28th. Our learners have all performed well and we are proud to say that we have had another successful year.

Important dates:

End of term                            4 December – High School closes at 11:30

Reports                                  6 December – can be collected at school between 8:30 – 11:00

A note from our Principal: Mr. D Swart

This was not an easy year by any measure but now that we stand at the end of it, I can see how all the puzzle pieces fitted together to give us the final picture! Thank you to all the role players who once again worked incredibly hard to ensure that our learners received the best throughout the academic year. [read more]

29 November 2019 – Newsletter #40 – Juniors

The assessments and exams are done and we are nearing the end of 2019. We would like to thank all the parents for supporting their children throughout the test period. It was a tough few weeks getting through all the work and studying. The learners did their best to make their parents, teachers and themselves proud. Their hard work and dedication will pay off. For now, they should give their bodies and minds a good rest. Great job to all of the learners! [read more]

22 November 2019 – Newsletter #39 – Juniors

In order to encourage good habits in our children, we need to make use of praise. Praising our children is important in the behaviour goals that we set as parents.

The more negative our relationship with our children, the more likely they are to rebel and misbehave. The more positive our relationship with our children, the more likely they are to co-operate. Praise assists in creating a positive, healthy relationship with our children.

We tend to give our children attention or rush to their side more often when they are doing something that they shouldn't do. How many times have we been there when our children are fighting during play, as opposed to mentioning how quietly or nicely they have been playing together?

We tend to tell them what they shouldn't be doing more often than praising them when they are doing what they should be doing. [read more]

22 November 2019 – Newsletter #39 – Seniors

Low self-esteem is unfortunately a self-fulfilling prophecy. The worse you feel about who you are and what you do, the less motivation you'll have to do what it takes to build your self-esteem. From there it's easy to spiral down into a cycle of negative thinking which will keep you stuck in untrue and damaging beliefs. Getting unstuck from this cycle is a process, and it won't happen overnight, but there are things you can do to get it started and keep it moving. Here are a few powerful ways to improve your self-esteem quickly in order to start feeling more confident. [read more]

15 November 2019 – Newsletter #39 – Seniors

The High School prize giving was a huge success! Thank you for supporting your child and for ensuring that they were there on time, neatly dressed and ready for the event.

Important Dates and Announcements:

Term 4                                                           02 October – 04 December

School closing time during exams:

Please note that as from Wednesday the 13th of November we will be finishing at 13:30. You will need to make alternative arrangements for your child to be collected. This time is set aside to allow for your child to have enough preparation time for the exams that will be written. It is therefore of the utmost importance that you ensure that this time is spent wisely. [read more]

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