Dear Parents
Success after failure…
We all know famous people because of the success that they have achieved. We have heard names like Katy Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, J.K Rowling etc. What most of us do not know is just how many times they failed before they actually succeeded.
Katy Perry dropped out of high school in 1999 to pursue a career in gospel singing. In 2001 Katy Perry released her first gospel album – of which only 200 copies were sold – before the record company went bankrupt! She moved to Los Angeles where she started singing popular music. She was dropped by 3 music labels, but that did not demotivate her to continue pursuing her career. She worked odd jobs and did back-up vocals until 2006 when her first hit single, I kissed a girl, launched her into stardom.
Oprah Winfrey had a very tough upbringing. Her mom was a single teenage girl with very little money. She was sexually abused by her cousin at the age of 9 and fell pregnant at the age of 14. Her baby died soon after birth. Her life started to change for the best when she went to live with her biological dad. He helped her focus on her schooling. Oprah was accepted with a full scholarship at Tennessee University.
She got a job at a local television station as a news reader, but was fired because the producer thought she was unfit for TV. Oprah would become one of the most successful TV personalities in the world!
Winston Churchill said “success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”. We struggle sometimes from day to day to achieve our hopes and dreams. It is not always easy, but winners do not quit and quitters do not win!
Imagine what would have happened if people like Katy Perry and Oprah just decided to give up when things got tough. Logan Ortell