Primary school subjects and activities
Pre-primary: Grades 00 - R
Children in these grades are introduced to elementary numeracy and literacy. There is also a strong focus on further development of life and social skills. Work groups are small and competent staff focus on providing support and extended learning experiences in a nurturing environment.
Foundation Phase: Grades 1 - 3
In these grades there is a strong focus on providing a solid foundation in reading, writing and mathematics. Independent reasoning skills are further developed and learners are academically supported to achieve their highest potential. Good sport and culture programmes further enhance the importance of a well-balanced lifestyle, one of the cornerstones that Riverside College is built on.
Intermediate Phase: Grades 4 – 6
The academic programme is extended to include subjects such as Personal Social Wellbeing (PSW), Natural Science, Technology and Computer Skills. Our computer and science labs provide excellent facilities for these learners to excel in these subjects. Formal competitive sports are also introduced in these grades.
Gr R's Riverside College Talking About South Africa
Riverside College, Cape Town, Primary School - When we finish school!
Subjects offered:
- English (Home Language)
- Afrikaans (1st Additional Language)
- Mathematics
- Personal Social Well-being (PSW)
- Natural Science and Technology
- History
- Geography
Sporting activities:
Managed by Sportswise coaches (seasonal)
- Physical education (PE)
- Mini-cricket
- Cricket
- Athletics
- Soccer
- Tennis
- Netball
Cultural activities:
- Art
- Drama
- Back 2 Be Me
- Eisteddfod
External extra murals:
- Click@Mouse
- Playball
- Experi Buddies
- Dance
- Karate