Newsletter – N10 17 March 23 JNR & SNR

Junior Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Assessments have commenced this week. The learners are hard at work and have embraced our
theme this year of ‘reach for the stars’. We have been encouraging them to study and that they will
never know they can reach their full potential until they have tried.
Teacher Gabby

Grade R News:
The Grade Rs had fun on their outing last week. They went to Anna Beulah Farm and got to interact
with and feed different types of farm animals. Their favourite farm animal was the Alpaca, although
they were saddened that they did not see it spit. Afterwards, they had a lovely picnic in the garden
and enjoyed playing in the Anna Beulah playground.

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Senior Newsletter

South Africans celebrate Human Rights Day each year on March 21st. This is to honour the people
that died in the Sharpeville massacre of 1960. We honour those who fought for our liberation and the
human rights that we can all enjoy today.
As a teenager, I grew up in a country that did not recognise my basic human rights. I lived in a South
Africa where the government had laws that confined my movements, where I was welcomed or not,
where I could enter or not, who I could love or not.
Today I live in a different country. I live in a country where I have a right to education, the freedom of
belief and religion, the right to free movement, the right to equality before the law, the right to vote for
a government of my choice and many more.
These rights also come with a responsibility towards the members of my community to also respect
their rights. We need to treat people with respect and dignity. Be kind and compassionate to every
human being.
Nelson Mandela said” To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”.
Mr L Ortell

Blazer Mondays:
A friendly reminder – All High School learners are expected to wear their blazers to school on Monday
mornings for their weekly assembly. We are cultivating and entrenching the values and ethos of our
school and in doing so this will be a compulsory requirement henceforth. Please ensure that blazers
are clean, marked with your child’s name and that all buttons are sewn onto the blazer. We look
forward to seeing our learners looking smart and proud!

Uniform -Term 2:
The children will still be required to wear summer uniform until further notice.
Rugga Roots:
If any grade 7-9 learner is interested in participating in Rugga Roots. Please visit to enroll. Grade 7-9 is on a Monday @ 14:45-15:15.

Grade 12 Fundraising Events:
The Grade 12 class of 2023 has put together a list of fundraisers they would like to host for their matric
farewell. The cost is R20 per event.

5th May Dress up as a teacher in the school.
15th June Dress up as the first letter of your name.
21st July PJ Day.
1st Sept Rainbow Day for spring day.

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