Newsletter – N29 9 September 22 JNR & SNR

Junior Newsletter  

Assessments are just around the corner and revising work and studying is crucial to ensure success for
your child during this time. It can be a difficult task to get your child to prioritize studying and revise for
their tests and it can be a difficult task for them to do. Here are some studying tips to help you and your
child to get through these assessments. Firstly, create a designated study space for your child that limits
noise as well as distractions. Secondly, draw up a study timetable with your child to break the work
down into more manageable study sections. Thirdly, tell your child to make notes or mind maps on the
work being studied. Fourthly, set up little questions to test your child on the work. Lastly, allow your child
to learn from their mistakes during your question asking. Motivate and guide your child and show extra
support to your child during this time as it is a stressful time for them and all the extra motivation,
guidance and support will only benefit them. We wish all our learners and parents the best of luck with
the studying process and preparation for the assessments.
Grade 5 News
The grade 5’s have been learning about Ancient Egypt in History. They have been learning about the
Ancient Egyptian society and the gods that they worshipped. The learners are currently creating and
describing their own Egyptian god. They are doing a great job so far by coming up with incredibly
creative and interesting gods. The learners have also been working very hard during their practical
tasks and projects being done in class. Well done Grade 5’s!

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Senior Newsletter 

Just something to think about.
Remember Me? My name is Gossip. I have no respect for justice. I maim without killing. I break hearts
and ruin lives. I am cunning, malicious and gather strength with age. The more I am quoted, the more I
am believed. I flourish at every level of society. My victims are helpless. They cannot protect themselves
against me because I have no name and no face. To track me down is impossible. The harder you try,
the more elusive I become. I am nobody’s friend.
Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same. I topple governments and wreck marriages. I ruin
careers and cause sleepless nights, heartaches, and indigestion. I spawn suspicion and generate grief.
I make innocent people cry in their pillows. Even my name hisses. I am called GOSSIP. Office gossip –
Shop gossip – Party gossip – Telephone gossip. I make headlines and headaches. REMEMBER, before
you repeat a story, ask yourself: is it true? Is it fair? Is it necessary?? If not, do not repeat it. KEEP QUIET.
GREAT minds discuss ideas…. Average minds discuss events…. Shallow minds discuss people…Which
are you? – Ann Landers J. Swart
Update – NALA:
During the course of this term Mr. Swart met with the parents of those learners who did the NALA testing.
During these meetings parents received the psychometric results and had the opportunity to discuss the
many tools and techniques available to them which could be used to support and better understand their
children in order for them to achieve their best results.
The feedback from parents was very positive as they found the results accurate and insightful. The
support will be of an ongoing nature with the learners and we trust and believe that they will reap the
benefits for a long time to come. Thank you for your support and your feedback and for trusting that we
will always have your child’s best interest at heart.

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