Dear Parents
Just a big thank you to all our learners for their good behaviour during the first week of the exams!! It is such a pleasure to have and teach children who are respectful and who listen to the rules. Please always remember that the rules are there to protect each and every learner, teacher and support staff member. Well done Riverside.
8 Ways to communicate without Social Media
Get off your phones and tablets, and experience life right at home with these meaningful ways to exchange messages.
Sticky Notes:
Remind your kids how much they are loved with surprise notes in their lunch boxes. They’ll love receiving well-wishes on upcoming tests.
Chalkboard Scribbles:
Be the “cool Mom” and finally let your kids draw on the walls!
Hand-Written Letters:
Birthday and holiday cards are great, but nothing makes you feel as special as a spontaneous hand-written letter.
Game Night:
Host a family game night to really get your kids talking. They’ll enjoy letting their competitive sides show, and you’ll love the quality family time.
Message Board:
Keep all your important notes in one place with a central family message board.
Book Club:
We could talk for hours over our favourite books.
Cook a Meal:
Actions go a long way in a relationship, so tell someone you love them with more than just words. Spend some time together in the kitchen slicing, dicing, and chopping.
Photo Albums:
If a photo is worth a thousand words, a photo album must be a novel. Spend time flipping through old family pictures to remember favourite vacations or important milestones.
Mrs Struck
A message from our Principal – Mr. D Swart
There is always so much going on around us while we are at work, at home, in the gym, in the supermarket… these thoughts, feelings; ideas bombard us all the time. Then we still have to mention and add to this, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram – just to mention a few of the modern day distractions. All these applications and programs also demand a space in our minds and suddenly there is just no time or space for conventional things such as family, cooking or hobbies of any kind. What is worse is that our children are just as distracted by these same vices and then we ask why they are performing so poorly at school? Gosh, why are our children hurting one another? Why are youngsters so hell bent on drinking and abusing drugs?
Maybe it is time to put your devices down for a while and parent your children the old fashioned way; by spending time actually talking to them and not at them! Maybe it is time to actually listen to what they are saying and not just respond in the appropriate spaces with a grunt or a pre-recorded noise.
Maybe you want to impose boundaries while they are young and not wait until they become totally defiant as teenagers?
Perhaps you are asking yourself right now; what does he know about my child and my parenting style? Maybe nothing, but I am the man standing in front of the classroom everyday looking at the faces of children who are feeling lost, alone and confused about what is expected of them, because their mom and dad are pre-occupied with their own issues and not “available” to give them guidance and support…