Newsletter – Nr. 28 – 21st of August 2020 – Seniors

Be not bowed down by self-concern, so that you miss all the wonders in life. Dwell on all the beauty and wonders in life. Go about with your eyes wide open and appreciate the beauty around you. Take one day at a time and appreciate that day to the full. Let every moment be filled with love and thanksgiving. When anything comes up which is inharmonious, look around quickly and see how it can be exchanged for something which is harmonious.

Do it quickly because negative and detrimental thoughts can grow as fast as weeds in a garden and choke all beautiful and delicate plants if they are allowed to take control. Learn to control your thoughts so they are only ones of beauty, harmony and love. Once your positive thoughts have been well established, you will automatically look for the very best in every situation. Only then can you relax, let go and enter the joy and freedom of the Spirit.  (Eileen Caddy) [read more]

Newsletter – Nr. 27 – 14th of August 2020 – Seniors

The Corona Virus has brought the world to a standstill. The things that people once enjoyed doing and the places they loved to travel has all come to an abrupt halt. It can sometimes be hard to discern between what’s a real threat and what is just simple panic and hysteria.

So far, this pandemic has only been with us for a few months and, for some people, it seems like a lifetime. But let’s take a moment and put this into perspective. [read more]

Newsletter – Nr. 26 – 7th of August 2020 – Seniors

I came across a very inspiring story about “FAIRNESS” that I thought to share:

There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting the right amount, which he wasn’t. Angry about this, he took the farmer to court.
The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure to weight the butter. The farmer replied, “Your Honour, I am primitive. I don’t have a proper measure, but I do have a scale.” [read more]

Newsletter – Nr. 26 – 7th of August 2020 – Juniors

We welcomed our Grade 1 and Grade 3 learners back to school this week. It is great to have them back in class again.

On Sunday the 9th we are celebrating Women’s day – which means that Monday the 10th is a public holiday. We would like to wish all the wonderful women of Riverside College a happy Women’s Day.

“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” – Michelle Obama
“Where there is women, there is magic” – Ntozake Shange [read more]

Newsletter – Nr. 25 – 31 July 2020 – Seniors

In light of recent events that have changed our lives forever, I would like to share the following motivational message with you. I hope you will find it as inspiring as I did.

It’s easy to have FAITH when everything is going to work out, when everything IS working out.  It’s much harder to have faith when you are facing challenges in your life.  But that is exactly when you need to apply your faith. Because faith is believing in the unseen, it is taking the first step. It is jumping into the deep end and KNOWING everything will be OK. [read more]

Newsletter – Nr. 25 – 31 July 2020 – Juniors

We have reached our third week of e-learning for most of the primary school learners, but we have also completed the first week back in the classroom for the Grade 000 and Grade R learners. This week was definitely a learning curve for all of us, teachers, parents and learners alike, as we continue with the ‘new normal’ that we are now living in. The little ones faced the challenge of being back at school and have made Teacher Amber and Teacher Gabby very proud. We look forward to having the Grade 1 and Grade 3 classes return on Monday as well. [read more]

Newsletter – Nr.24 – 24 July 2020 – Seniors

Like the similar phrase of “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, the meaning of “when nothing goes right, go left” is that, if you find yourself in a situation in life that you don’t like (i.e., when nothing goes right), then turn it on its head (i.e., go left)! It could be like the lemonade example, in that you actually turn the negative in to a positive, or it could be that you change things drastically and switch things up.

Let’s say that you keep applying for jobs online and don’t seem to be getting any responses, could you switch things up and apply in person where most people don’t? Or if you just can’t seem to get that promotion you really want and you really need some more cash, could you start a side business that makes you some extra money per month? [read more]

Newsletter – Nr.24 – 24 July 2020 – Juniors

Our second week back and the holidays almost feel as though they are a distant memory - how time flies when you are having fun. I hope we have all managed to find our rhythm again and get back into the routine of online learning. It has been a delight to see our learners.

We do understand that many parents are back at work and need to continue with their work from home while your children continue with online learning, and we are aware that this is not always easy.

We would just like to remind you that when your child is booked for a live class please allow them to sit in a quiet area. It is impossible to teach a successful lesson with background noises taking place, the entire class loses focus and concentration. [read more]

Newsletter – Nr.23 – 17 July 2020 – Seniors

A very warm welcome back. We hope that the children had a nice and relaxing holiday and that they are ready for Term 3! As per our letter that was sent out last week, we will continue with our e-learning program for the near future. Our teachers were very enthusiastic and excited about getting this term started and seeing the children again. [read more]

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