Respect is one of the most important qualities in your relationship with anyone, and there is no exception when it comes to your relationship with yourself. Self-respect encompasses a multitude of ideals, but it comes down to being the kind of person you are satisfied with showing the world and being someone that you and the people you care about are proud of. Self-respect is about having a sense of honour and dignity about yourself, your choices, and your life. It is about treating others well and knowing that by doing so, others will treat you well in return. Lastly, self-respect is knowing that not everyone will treat you well and choosing to respect everyone nonetheless, but still knowing that you deserve to be surrounded by great people. Having respect for yourself is vital in maintaining a positive self-image by allowing yourself to feel confident in who you are and content with the person you are becoming. [read more]
Author: Tonie Konig
06 March 2020 – Newsletter #08 – Juniors
- by Tonie Konig
This week all the Primary School learners have been exercising their brains doing revision for the upcoming tests next week. Revision of work is essential as it enables learners to practice the work that they have learnt, giving them an accurate picture of their strengths and weaknesses. It is important that we as parents and educators need to work together to help the learners achieve the best that they can. Learners, always remember: school is tough, but so are you!
This week the Grade 5's have been working hard on revision activities for the upcoming tests next week. We finished Mathematics off with some work on capacity and volume. The Grade 5's used their guessing techniques to try to estimate the capacity of various food products, as well as putting their measuring skills to the test. [read more]
28 February 2020 – Newsletter #07 – Seniors
- by Tonie Konig
Can you recall a time somebody was kind to you? Now change the scenario and think of a time you were kind to another person? Call to mind their reaction and how you responded. Move into your heart and notice the feelings there. You should know that kindness affects the user and the experiencer — leaving a lasting impression on both. In this fast-paced world, kindness and compassion takes a back seat to selfies, self-interest and expendable human interactions. Every person is waiting to be discovered or become rich, believing it holds the key to their happiness. Yet when they attain success, they long for their former life having underestimated the trappings of fame and celebrity. [read more]
28 February 2020 – Newsletter #07 – Juniors
- by Tonie Konig
This week we have touched on Habit Number 5: “Seek first to understand then to be understood”. This means we must not only listen but hear what people are telling us. This was beautifully explained in the story at assembly on Monday. We so often want to put our point across first and not listen or even give the other person a chance to respond.
In using Habit 5, we should consider the following:
- Care about other people’s feelings
- Try to see things from others viewpoints
- Listen without interrupting
- Share your opinions and ideas [read more]
21 February 2020 – Newsletter #06 – Juniors
- by Tonie Konig
This week started with a positive message in assembly. We are discussing the 7 Habits of Happy Kids and the message this week was on how to have a Win-Win situation.
Students learnt of a little girl named Lilly who badly wanted a garden to plant strawberries. Initially Lilly’s mom declined her request . Instead of sulking or feeling angry Lilly wrote a note explaining that she would really work hard to keep the garden healthy and she would share her strawberries. Her mom agrees on these terms. [read more]
21 February 2020 – Newsletter #06 – Seniors
- by Tonie Konig
Choice Theory explains that our behavior is driven by five needs.
- Survival
- Love and belonging
- Freedom
- Fun
- Power
Every moment of the day we make choices that serves our needs. Most of these choices are aimed towards the relationships we are in. Parental relationships, peer relationships, school relationships etc. [read more]
14 February 2020 – Newsletter #05 – Juniors
- by Tonie Konig
We have been on the journey through the 7 Habits for Happy Children. There is still a very important Habit which we should show every day, which is not part of the 7 Habits. That is the habit of love. Seeing as it is Valentine’s day today, we want to encourage our learners and you as parents to show a little more love every day. A little goes a long way. Happy Valentine’s day! [read more]
14 February 2020 – Newsletter #05 – Seniors
- by Tonie Konig
You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” - Roy T. Bennett
I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I wouldn't fail.
The same four walls and busywork where really more like jail.
I longed so much to do the things I'd never done before,
But stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor.
I said it didn't matter that I wasn't doing much.
I said I didn't care for things like commission checks and such.
I claimed to be so busy with the things inside my zone,
But deep inside I longed for something special of my own.
I couldn't let my life go by just watching others win.
I held my breath; I stepped outside and let the change begin.
I took a step and with new strength I'd never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone good-bye and closed and locked the door.
If you're in comfort zone, afraid to venture out,
Remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise can make your dreams come true.
Reach for your future with a smile;
Success is there for you!
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Andrew Ho --- Malaysia [read more]
- by Tonie Konig
07 February 2020 – Newsletter #04 – Seniors
- by Tonie Konig
Setting limits for ourselves:
From a young age we are taught to set goals if we want to achieve something. Many times these goals become artificial limits, keeping us from achieving our actual potential. Roger Bannister is a prime example of this, before he broke the 4-minute mark for the one mile run people thought that it was physically impossible to achieve this feat. Once he achieved it more and more people accomplished it, we need to remember to move our goals, always aim higher! [read more]